To all our followers,
In regards to the possibility of storms the next few days due to the hurricane remnants, we would like to extend some tips for you and your families.
- Make sure your interior drains and sump pumps are working. Try to consider a backup plan in the event of a power outage.
- Please do not drive through flooded roadways. Cars will float. Please remember “Turn Around Don’t Drown”. Please call 9-1-1 to report impassable roadways.
- Be very cautious around blocked road drains or culverts. The force of the suction can be powerful and hold you under water.
- Please treat all down trees as if they had power lines hidden in them; and treat all power lines as if they were energized. In summary, stay away from them. Do not attempt to remove a tree yourself unless you are 100% certain there are no power lines in them. Please contact 9-1-1 to report the situation.
Remember, situations like what we may face will cause a strain on the entire public safety system. Responders and utility crews will need extra time to get where they are going. Please remember to treat everyone with respect. We are well aware that you have called for help and we will get there as fast as we can. The responders do an amazing job, so please let them do their job without interfering.
Please stay safe, and remember to call 9-1-1 for emergencies.