October, 2015,

On behalf of the Seneca Volunteer Fire Department, we would like to thank the residents and businesses of Cranberry Township, Venango County, for their support of our 2015 Fund Drive.

We were able to attain our goal through your generous donations and are very proud of the support we receive from the residents in the Township for your Fire Department.

We will always strive to update our equipment for the best service we can provide for you.  It is only through your donations that we are able to accomplish this achievement.

There is a home structure fire every 87 seconds in the United States.  Seven people die in house fires every day.  During the month of October, the members of the Seneca Volunteer Fire Department will be visiting the schools to teach our children fire safety skills.  We would like to encourage all residents of our township to take the following fire safety measures at home:

  1. Check your smoke detector batteries once a month. Replace those batteries once a year. Smoke Detectors save lives!
  2. Make a home escape plan for your family. Practice fire drills at home just like we practice fire drills at school.
  3. Do a yearly fire inspection of your house.  Look for fire hazards.

Another October tradition is the Seneca Volunteer Fire Department yearly fund drive.  Our department raises money each year from our monthly dinners, social hall rentals, and pool water deliveries.  However, our largest income source remains our annual fund drive.  We need your help.  Once again, we are asking for your donation.  We know times are tight financially.  Rest assured that you will never be denied services from our department regardless of your ability to donate.  We merely ask that you consider making a donation in whatever amount you can.

We are the members of the Seneca Volunteer Fire Department.  We are your neighbors, your coworkers, and your friends.  Twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year, we volunteer our time to protect your lives and property.  Our members complete hundreds of hours of training every year to ensure our readiness to respond when you need us most.  If you would like to join our ranks, please call the non-emergency number and ask how you can get involved.

We thank all Cranberry Township residents for your ongoing support of our department.


The Members of the Seneca Volunteer Fire Department